Peristalsis stimulants: analysis of consumption in different countries of the world




peristalsis stimulants, assortment of drugs, pharmaceutical market, ATC/DDD methodology, consumption of drugs


Aim. To make an assessment of drugs consumption of the group A03F “Peristalsis stimulants” in Ukraine and some European countries in 2016-2018.
Materials and methods. Data from information system “Pharmexplorer” of Morion company has been used to analyze the assortment and consumption volumes of peristalsis stimulants in Ukraine. Assessment of the volumes, structure and dynamics of drug consumption of this group in Ukraine has been conducted based on the number of consumed defined daily doses (DDD) of drugs using the ATC/DDD methodology and the number of sold drugs packings. The level of investigational drugs consumption at the indicator “DDDs/1000 inhabitants/day” in European countries has been determined by the statistical data of these countries.
Results. The peristalsis stimulants presented in Ukraine in 2016-2018 in the number of 4 international non-patented names, 32-34 trade names, had a fairly wide range of prices for packaging. Their consumption volumes (by the number of sold drugs packings and the number of consumed DDDs) increased in Ukraine from 2016 to 2018. Domperidone had held leading positions in these indicators of consumption. Comparison of peristalsis stimulants consumption level at the indicator “DDDs/1000 inhabitants/day” in 2016-2018 in Ukraine and some European countries (Norway, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia) determined the highest this group drugs consumption in 2016-2017 in Lithuania, in 2018 – in Ukraine; the smallest volumes of drugs consumption were in Estonia (throughout the study period). Consumption of peristalsis stimulators had increased over the years in Ukraine, in other countries it had decreased. Domperidone was the leader by consumption among peristalsis stimulants in Ukraine, metoclopramide – in the Baltic countries and Norway.

Conclusions. Peristaltic stimulants consumption by the number of sold drugs packings and by the number of consumed DDD increased from 2016 to 2018 in Ukraine. Ukraine differed from the studied European countries in terms of volume, structure and dynamics of this group drugs consumption at the indicator “DDDs/1000 inhabitants/day” in 2016-2018.


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Marketing, logistics, pharmacoeconomic research