Market research of drugs used for local treatment of dermatitis




market analysis, medicines, dermatitis, local therapy


Aim. To make an analysis of drugs, presented on the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market and used for local therapy of dermatitis by pharmacotherapeutic groups, composition, release forms and country
of origin in order to substantiate the necessity of developing a new drug based on biologically active substances of medicinal plant material (MPM).
Results. The analysis of drugs presented on the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market used for local therapy of dermatitis with the exception of groups D01 (Antifungal drugs for use in dermatology), D06 (Antibiotics and chemotherapeutics) and D07 (Corticosteroids) due to the preliminary composition of the drug being developed. The composition of drugs registered in Ukraine was analyzed, depending on the direction of pharmacotherapeutic action and the number of components (mono or combination), their distribution by release form, country of origin, the presence of components.
Conclusions. An assortment analysis of the auxiliary agents used to treat dermatitis has shown a small proportion of medications complex action that will prevent the development of the disease or accelerate the recovery and the lack of means that can simultaneously provide cosmetic skin care. Thus, combined drugs among the studied is only 8 %, based on MPM – 3 %. Over 36 % of the drugs of the studied groups are presented in the form of a solution, 31 % – in the form of an ointment. The products of Ukrainian manufacturers in the studied groups occupy 86 % of the registered drugs. The prospect of further research can be the search for effective components on the basis of MPM to create a drug for the local treatment of manifestations of dermatitis.

Author Biographies

O. G. Bashura, National University of Pharmacy

завідувач кафедри косметології і аромології, доктор фармацевтичних наук, професор

V. S. Mirgorod, National University of Pharmacy

аспірант кафедри косметології і аромології

S. G. Bobro, National University of Pharmacy

teaching assistant of the Department of Cosmetology and Aromology, Candidate of Pharmacy (Ph.D.)


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Marketing, logistics, pharmacoeconomic research