Theoretical substantiation of the necessity to implement social certification of pharmacy institutions


  • M. V. Zarichkova National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



pharmacy institution, social protection of professional pharmacists, social certification, social sphere


The article deals with the basic theory of implementing the innovative method to augment efficiency of the system of social protection of professional pharmacists (SPPP) owning to implementation of the social certification procedure. The role and essence of the social certificate of the pharmacy institution and its relevance and necessity as the core component to build up the technique of the social development of the pharmacy institution are reviewed in this article.

Aim. To substantiate the necessity to implement the social certification of pharmacy institutions and specification of major scientific provisions as for implementation thereof in the pharmacy sector of the health care industry.

Materials and methods. The general scientific and applied scientific research methods, including: formal-logical one, method of systemic analysis, analogy and comparative method, analysis of documents and outcome of social studies comprise the methodical basis of this research.

Results. Implementation of the technology of the social certification of the pharmacy institution will ensure a systemic approach for deployment of the set of social services of professional pharmacists (PP). The proposed structure of the social certification of the pharmacy institution has a universal nature and can be used in pharmacy institutions of diverse ownership forms.

Conclusions. Social certificate of the pharmacy institution will enhance the efficiency of the social sphere control and interaction between the administration of the pharmacy institution and PP. 


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Management, economics in pharmacy