Clinical and economic analysis pharmacotherapy of patients with chronic cholecystitis


  • O. V. Tkachova National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • A. A. Silaev National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



pharmacotherapy, drugs for the treatment of chronic cholecystitis, clinical and economic analysis


An increased incidence of chronic cholecystitis (CC) and the difficult economic situation in Ukraine calls for rational use of financial resources for the treatment of this disease. Objectively to assess the cost of medicines (drugs) allows a comprehensive analysis using ABC/VEN/frequency methods carried out in the hospital in Kharkiv according to medical history of 150 patients with CC. According to the study it has been found that the dominant part of the cost used for vital drugs was that, which was often prescribed to patients with CC. However, pharmacotherapy CC does not always meet regulations, as 22 % of medicines with index «N» (minor drugs) were not included in National Drug Formulary of Ukraine (5th issue) and 20 % INN drugs were not included in the clinical treatment protocols CC. At the secondary drugs which are absent in regulatory documents it has been spent from 8,88 % to 9,58 % of funds on drugs. Therefore, it is possible pharmacotherapy optimization of quality and costs by reducing her appointments minor drugs.

Author Biography

O. V. Tkachova, National University of Pharmacy



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Marketing, logistics, pharmacoeconomic research