Features of pharmacists professional roles realization in the Ukrainian realities





pharmacist, the World Health Organization, the International Pharmaceutical Federation, professional roles, pharmacy networks, Ukrainian realities


The rapid development of pharmacy in Ukraine needs rethinking and re-targeting of the professional roles (PR) of a pharmacist in society and the healthcare system, as he/she is not only manufactures and markets drugs, but is an equal participant in the pharmacotherapy process, a provider of pharmaceutical services and pharmaceutical information.
Aim. To make an analysis of pharmacist PR implementation in domestic pharmaceutical practice.
Materials and methods. The materials of the study were the provisions of the World Health Organization (the WHO), the International Pharmaceutical Federation (the FIP) and scientific works on the PR of pharmacist, an analysis of job descriptions on the websites work.ua and robota.ua among pharmacy networks (PhN). The methods of critical analysis, concretization and scientific generalization were used.
Results. Analysis of scientific works, the WHO and the the FIP provisions regarding PR pharmacist, as well as the descriptions of pharmaceutical vacancies of 10 large PhN of Ukraine on the websites work.ua and robota.ua. 

Conclusions. Based on the study of the job description of 10 large PhN and a critical analysis of the literature data, it was found that nowadays PR of the domestic pharmacist are reduced to the role of a seller of drugs. It is necessary to fill the PR with Ukrainian pharmacists with the content that is characteristic of the world pharmaceutical community: to create such a training system that would allow the pharmacist successfully fulfill the roles required by their profession in the current context in the WHO and the FIP provisions; to develop new and improve the current national regulatory documents on pharmacist PR with the involvement of pharmacists and pharmaceutical self-regulatory organizations; to work out by the pharmaceutical self-regulatory organizations the medialinguistic technologies for formation of the positive image of pharmacist, that will help to restore the image of the pharmaceutical profession and in the long run will solve one of the most important problems of our time – the problem of trust in the pharmacy and pharmacists and, as a consequence will have a positive impact on the health of the population.


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Management, economics in pharmacy