Pharmacoepidemiological analysis of insulin medications on the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine




diabetes mellitus, insulin, pharmaceutical market of Ukraine


Diabetes mellitus morbidity is increasing all over the world. According to WHO, by 2030, diabetes will be the seventh leading cause of death worldwide. This disease acquires the status of non-infectious epidemic. This way, insulin therapy requires the use of effective and economically justified therapy in the limited financing of healthcare.   

Aim. To use ATС/DDD methodology for pharmacoepidemiological analysis of insulin medications.

Results. As a result of the frequency analysis of insulin preparations on the pharmaceutical market ofUkraine in 2019, 71 trade names have been discovered. Domestic drugs – 58 % and foreign drugs – 42 %. Manufacturers of countries such asPoland,Denmark,Germany,France, theNetherlands supply insulin preparations to the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market. ATC/DDD-methodology showed that the cost for DDD was in the range from 8.13 to 63.02 UAH in the context of minimal and maximal prices of insulin preparations.

Conclusions. It has been found that the minimum cost of DDD insulin preparations was 8.13 UAH, the maximum – 63.02 UAH.


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Marketing, logistics, pharmacoeconomic research