The comprehensive analysis of sage leaves by high-performance thin-layer chromatography: simultaneous identification of flavonoids and phenylpropanoids, quantitative determination and the test for the minimal content of rosmarinic acid




sage, HPTLC, identification, quantitative determination, minimal content, comprehensive fingerprints


Aim. To develop methods for the comprehensive analysis of sage (Salvia officinalis L.) leaves using high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC): identification of flavonoids and phenylpropanoids, quantitative determination and the test for the minimal content (MCT) of rosmarinic acid. 

Materials and methods. The study was performed using HPTLC procedure (2.8.25, SPhU) in the HPTLC automatic system; the results were processed using VisionCats Software, CAMAG, Switzerland.

Results. Flavonoids and phenylpropanoids fingerprints of six samples of sage leaves were evaluated on the same HPTLC plate. The specific zones and their chromatographic profiles useful for identification were determined. In the same mobile phase, the method for quantifying the marker – rosmarinic acid, as well as MCT of rosmarinic acid (NLT 0.4 %) was proposed. According to the results, the quantity of rosmarinic acid in sage leaves was in the range of 5.83-15.94 mg/g (scanner detection) and 5.99-16.27 mg/g (visualizer detection). All six samples of sage contained rosemary acid in an amount greater than the proposed minimum content (0.4 %), while S. aethiopis and S. nemerosa had a lower content of rosmarinic acid and failed the test.

Conclusions. The approach proposed for evaluating the quality of sage using a comprehensive analysis of HPTLC flavonoid and phenylpropanoid fingerprints allows simultaneous identification, quantitative determination and the test for the minimal content for several samples on the same plate. It can be an alternative to the current Pharmacopoeia methods.


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Quality, standardization and certification in pharmacy