The price characteristics of the domestic pharmaceutical market of medicines of the N06BX group (other psychostimulants and nootropics)




market analysis, price situation, cerebroprotectors, solvency adequacy ratio, liquidity ratio


Aim. To study the price characteristics of the domestic pharmaceutical market of medicines of the N06BX group, as well as analyze their socioeconomic accessibility for consumers.

Results. The study used a concept based on a step-by-step analysis of the range and price situation of medicines of the N06BX group by the following indicators: liquidity ratio, adequate solvency ratio and availability ratio. It has been found that the vast majority of medicines in this group have a liquidity ratio not exceeding 0.5, while in 76 % of drugs this figure does not exceed 0.2, i.e. the level of competition in this market segment is quite high, and it contributes to price reduction. Only two medicines are characterized by low competition, these are Phenibut (0.68) and Glycine (1.5). When studying the values of the solvency adequacy ratio its range has been determined, it is from 0.002 to 0.318. The lowest value is observed in Quanil solution for oral administration (Ca.s = 0.002) and Piracetam (Ca.s = 0.003). These medicines are the most available to the population. The highest value is observed in Cerebrocurin (Ca.s = 0.318), i.e. it is the least available in this group.

Conclusions. As a result of our research, it has been determined that at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine medicines from the N06BX group are presented in the number of 214 names. The values of the liquidity ratio calculated by us have shown that the market segment studied is characterized by strong competition, and it contributes to price reduction. The study of the values of the solvency adequacy ratio obtained has allowed us to determine that the lowest value is observed in Piracetam (Ca.s = 0.003), while the highest one is in Cerebrocurin (Ca.s = 0.318). According to our research, 25 % of the drugs studied have the value Ca.s, which is ≤ 0.01, i.e. the price does not exceed 1 % of the average wage, and the socioeconomic accessibility indicator CD is equal to 0.99. These drugs are the most available to the population.


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Marketing, logistics, pharmacoeconomic research