Analysis of the legal support of medical supply management in the Armed Forces of Ukraine




management of medical supply, regulatory framework, Armed Forces of Ukraine


According to the Law of Ukraine “On Amending the Constitution of Ukraine” from 07.02.2019 № 2680-VIII in determining the foundations of the domestic and foreign policy of our country, the implementation of the state strategic course towards obtaining full membership of Ukraine in the European Union and in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is indicated. According to the defense reform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, significant changes in the organizational and managerial work of the Military Medical Service have appeared. There are changes in the regulatory environment, the improvement and development of the medical support system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the direction of commonality and compatibility with the medical services of NATO member countries. Thus, the Military Medical Service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine works in a rich and dynamic informational background. Consequently, there is a need to streamline the regulatory framework for managing the medical supply of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, by systematizing the existing regulatory documents by their modern institutional foundations.

Aim. To analyze the regulatory framework for managing the medical supply of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Results. Currently, Ukraine has adopted a number of official documents containing requirements for the reception, registration, storage, issuance, transportation and repair of medical supplies, which are carried out by the military medical and units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Analyzed are the modern institutional foundations for managing medical support, which are presented as a set of formal (regulatory) acts of various levels, legal and by- laws, as well as informal norms relating specifically to the circulation of medical supplies of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It has been established that the regulatory legal support for managing medical supply is represented by the requirements of formal (regulatory) acts of various levels – 44 %, and informal norms – 56 %.
Conclusions. The analysis showed that achieving consistency in formal and informal norms in the field of medical supply management of the Armed Forces of Ukraine requires further improvement. Namely, in the direction of determining legal regimes and regulating the process of accepting medical supplies, using the Instructions on the procedure for accepting industrial products and consumer goods in quantity and quality, which are outdated and approved back in the days of the Soviet Union. However, given the experience of the Anti-Terrorist Operation and Joint Forces Operation the orders of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine require processing to improve the functioning of the medical supply system for military units and medical units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in a special period.


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Management, economics in pharmacy