Research of attractiveness of HR-brand of pharmaceutical profile organization




HR-brand, brand of the employer, image of the employer, branding policy, factors affecting the HR brand, organization, production plants, wholesale companies, pharmacy sector


Today, the competitiveness and image of an organization at the core market depends on the professional level of its employees. A senior manager as an employer chooses the most active methods of attracting the best professionals to his team using innovative technologies for working with the staff and candidates for positions. An instrument of this new approach to personnel management is branding policy, which implementation is carried out through the formation of which organization’s HR-brand at the labor market.

Aim. To study the theoretical substantiation of the essence of the category “HR-brand” and the determination of its attractiveness for employees of pharmaceutical companies.

Results. The article analyzes the concept of the “employer brand” and describes the components of the organization’s HR brand. The theoretical analysis conducted allows us to form a fairly complete understanding of the “HR-brand” concept, which is relatively new for the Ukrainian organizations. The article also analyzes the importance of the HR brand for pharmaceutical organizations and reflects the views of specialists from production plants, wholesalers and the pharmacy sector regarding the level of implementation of branding policies and the structure of the ideal employer offer. The results of expert assessment of the factors affecting the formation of the HR brand of a pharmaceutical organization are given.

Conclusions. Thus, in order to create an effective staffing in pharmaceutical organizations it is necessary to implement a branding policy, which is based on the formation of the HR-brand of the employer at the labor market. This will enable enterprises in the manufacturing, wholesale and retail sectors to attract the best talented employees, who will significantly enhance their competitiveness and market stability.


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Marketing, logistics, pharmacoeconomic research