Place and role modeling of social responsibility in professional activity of pharmaceutical specialists




social responsibility, pharmaceutical specialist, pharmaceutical activity, pharmaceutical organization


Aim. To study and to substantiate the role of social responsibility (SR) in professional activities of pharmacy specialists (SPh) and methodological approaches to integrated assessment of SPh socially responsible behavior(SRB) as a compulsory component of professional competencies.

Materials and methods. The search methods, analysis and synthesis of data from informational sources, system and comparative analysis, modeling were used.

Results. In the article, on the basis of theoretical generalization of the scientific literature, the place and role of social responsibility in professional activities of pharmacy specialists is substantiated, a conceptual analysis of the fundamental (personal) level of social responsibility with integration into the theoretical plane of pharmaceutical practice is carried out. It was emphasized that introduction of social responsibility concept in practical pharmacy at personal level will encourage pharmacy specialists in their professional activities not only to adhere to legal norms, but surely moral and ethical principles that are formed and spelled out in the Ethical Code of Pharmaceutical Worker in Ukraine. At the same time, the pharmaceutical community will also be interested in the development and adoption of legislation on social responsibility, the development of mechanisms for monitoring its observance, and a methodology for evaluating socially responsible behavior of both pharmacy specialists and other pharmacy subjects. Study of various theoretical and practical approaches to the development of personal social responsibility during vocational training allowed us to propose a component structure for training a socially responsible pharmacy specialist.

Conclusions. We theoretically substantiated and worked out the models of shifting degrees and components of social responsibility in professional activities of pharmacy specialists and the development of SPh social responsibility with an emphasis on the period of its formation (basic period of professional responsibility is a period of obtaining pharmaceutical education). We have established that the basic stage of the SR SPh is receded by the stage of platform formation ("primary socialization"), where the entire system is built next. Fixing and perfection of the formed skill of (SR) in universities passes to the plane of the stage of prolongation, professional activity begins during that. As a result, persistent behavior and actions of the Federation Council are achieved and meet the interests, ideals and tasks of the pharmaceutical organization, pharmacy, society and the needs of the specialist’s self-development in accordance with socially important values, principles and norms.

Author Biography

N. O. Tkachenko, Zaporizhia State Medical University

кафедра УЕФ


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Quality, standardization and certification in pharmacy