Research on the development of the composition and standardization of medicinal plants for complex mastopathy therapy




mastopathy, medicinal species, phenolic compounds, phytohormones, absorption spectrophotometry


Taking into account the high level of mastopathy and the high risk of malignancies in mammary gland , hormone level correction is a leading strategy for the treatment of benign malignancies in mammary gland tissues diseases, created on the evidence-based medicine.
Aim. To develop the technology of complex medicinal plant species containing rosehips and cranberries fruits, corn stigmas, parsley seeds and nettle leaves, horsetail field and stevia honey grass, hop cones dioecious leaves, horsetail and stevia grass, hop cones for use in the scheme of complex mastopathy treatment.

Results. The fact of hormonal dependence of breast tumors, endometrium, prostate is currently in no doubt. The mammary gland (MG) is the target organ for all hormones circulating in the blood. The change in hormonal homeostasis is one of the main causes of impaired morphological function of the MG. Based on this, the definition and correction of hormone levels is a leading strategy for the treatment of benign MG diseases, developed on the basis of evidence-based medicine. For further studies, it was necessary to determine the optimal composition of the medicinal plant species, based on the characteristics of the release of biologically active compounds in aqueous extracts made from each type of medicinal plant raw materials and experimental samples of the species containing different amounts of each type of medicinal plant material. For each type of raw material, water extracts were made in the range of patented concentrations and concentrations ± 5 % of the patented values. The Plant raw material of the species have polyphenolic compounds and the most of which are flavonoid-structured substances. It was advisable to determine the quantitative content of these substances in each individual sample and in the joint presence in the species. The quantitative content of flavonoid structure substances was determined according to the literature method based on the reaction of flavonoids formation of a complex compound with aluminum chloride in acidic medium. Routine and luteolin were used as reference substances. The absorbance of the obtained test solutions and comparison solutions was measured on an Evolution 60S spectrophotometer in the range of 370 nm to 430 nm in a cell with a layer thickness of 10 mm. Almost all samples after complexation reactions observed absorption at wavelengths of 409 ± 5 nm, which coincided with the absorption maximum of the rutin solution. Therefore, standardization of the proposed species for the treatment of mastopathy is advisable to carry out the by the content of substances of flavonoid structure, similar in structure to luteolin. Composition of the species, which contains a mixture of plant raw materials in the ratio (1:0,5:1:2,3:2,3:1:1:2,3) (patented sample) is the optimal.

Conclusions. We investigated the possibility of use the types of medicinal plant raw materials in complex matopathy therapy. Experimental samples of species and separate types of plant raw materials used were developed. The determination of aromatic substances by absorption spectrophotometry method carried out. Based on the results of the research, the method for standardization of the developed species on the content of flavonoid-structured substances proposed.


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