Pharmacoeconomic evaluation of dual antiplatelet therapy in acute minor ischemic stroke




pharmacoeconomics, ischemic stroke, dual antiplatelet therapy


Aim. To make a pharmacoeconomic assessment of dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) in acute minor ischemic stroke by cost-effectiveness analysis.

Materials and methods. The results were obtained using systemic, analytical and comparative, logical and pharmacoeconomic methods and data on therapeutic equivalence or bioequivalence of pharmaceuticals from three sources: the Orange Book (USA), protocols of the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use of the European Medicines Agency and the Rx index, the Directory of Equivalence of Pharmaceuticals (Ukraine), the results of systematic review and meta-analysis of DAPT to prevent early recurrent ischemic stroke as well as information on the minimum purchase prices of pharmaceuticals.

Results. According to data obtained from the Orange Book (USA), protocols of the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use of the European Medicines Agency and the Rx index, the Directory of Equivalence of Pharmaceuticals (Ukraine), a cost-effectiveness index and an incremental indicator of cost-effectiveness were calculated for those antiplatelet pharmaceuticals for which there was information available on therapeutic equivalence and bioequivalence, since otherwise the extrapolation of the results of the clinical effectiveness of the original pharmaceuticals for generic drugs would not have been appropriate.

Conclusions. Based on data from the Orange Book (USA), protocols of the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use of the European Medicines Agency and the Rx index, the Directory of Equivalence of Pharmaceuticals (Ukraine), information on the equivalence of registered pharmaceuticals inUkraine such as Clopidogrel and Acetylsalicylic Acid (ASA) was systematized. Through pharmacoeconomic analysis it was established that as of July 2018: Clinical and economical advantage was observed for application of monotherapy in acute minor ischemic stroke with a use of a generic (Acecor Cardio, 100 mg, Intestine Soluble Tablets, Pharmaceutical company Microkhim Ltd., Ukraine) compared to the original pharmaceutical (Aspirin Cardio, 100 mg, Film-coated Intestine Soluble Tablets, Bayer AG, Germany); the need for additional involvement of small funds is inherent in 10 out of 11 combinations of more effective and more expensive DAPT of acute minor ischemic stroke (Clopidogrel + ASA). It ranges from 14.49 UAH per unit of effectiveness (Trombonet, 75 mg, Film-coated Tablets № 60, Farmak JSC, Ukraine + ASA ) to 29.91 UAH per unit of effectiveness (Clopidogrel Zentiva, 75 mg, Film-coated Tablets № 30, Zentiva, Czech Republic + ASA); for CoPlavix, a combination pharmaceutical (Intestinal Soluble Tablets, 75 mg/75 mg, № 28, Sanofi Winthrop Industrie, France) compared with four ASA pharmaceuticals the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio is the lowest, although still significant (185.77 UAH per unit of effectiveness); this is typical in comparison to Aspirin Cardio (100 mg, Film-coated Intestinal Soluble Tablets № 28, Bayer AG, Germany).


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Marketing, logistics, pharmacoeconomic research