Theoretical and methodical approaches for the implementation of the monitoring system in pharmacy professionals employment process




university, higher education, pharmacy, pharmacy specialists, employment, monitoring, employment indicator


Aim. To make a research of the theoretical substantiation of monitoring and the effective methods evaluation of the pharmacy professionals employment rates.

Results. The urgent tasks, the solution of which will facilitate the effective implementation of the employment monitoring system of future specialists in pharmacy were established. The factors influencing the efficiency of the graduate student employment rates, which are related to training and education  the specialists in accordance to the prospects of employment, compliance of educational programs with the requirements of employers and the actual needs of the labor market, etc., were determined. The model of the monitoring mechanism used for graduates of the NUPh, which is based on the employment elaborated stages, is developed, and approaches to methodology development for its implementation, processing and analyzing the information were proposed. The indicators of assessing the IHE graduates employment effectiveness were summarized, and quantitative and qualitative indicators were proposed, which are recommended used to evaluate the NUPh graduates employment performance.

Conclusions. Modern labor market trends and needs to understand the real employment status of the IHE graduates prove the urgency to develop a relevant scientific model for monitoring and controlling the quality of this process. The proposed theoretical and methodical approaches to the implementation of the system of monitoring the pharmacists employment rates are the basis for the indicators system formation which facilitate the employment and forecast labor market needs in pharmacy professionals.


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Quality, standardization and certification in pharmacy