Theoretical applied approaches to improving sectoral regulation of the process of forming a socially-oriented assortment of medicines in the domestic pharmaceutical market




assortment policy, sectoral regulation, pharmaceutical market regulation, social function of pharmaceutical, socially-oriented assortment policy, pharmaceutical market


In most of the countries that experienced the turning point in their development, the state and society as a whole took responsibility for providing the population with a socially-oriented assortment of medicines. Due to an effective system of production sectoral regulation and drug use, the socially determined level of access to medicines remains an important constant that allows stability in society to be safeguarded.

Aim. To substantiate and develop theoretical applied approaches to improving sectoral regulation of the process of forming a socially – oriented assortment of medicines in the domestic pharmaceutical market.

Materials and methods. The research used data from specialized literature and the results of research by foreign and domestic scientists on the sectoral regulation of the pharmaceutical market in the direction of forming a socially-oriented assortment of medicines. Achievement of the stated goal of research was carried out using the methods of historical, comparative, systemic and logical modeling.

Results. The article presents the results of systematization of experience of the functioning of sectoral for regulating the pharmaceutical market in the direction of forming a socially oriented assortment of medicines in the EU countries. The levels are defined, advantages and disadvantages of functioning of the developed (multiple) and vertical (centralized) model of sectoral regulation of medicine turnover and assortment policy in the pharmaceutical market in the EU countries are indicated. It is established that the regulation of assortment policy in the pharmaceutical market in the EU countries is implemented at all stages of medicine promotion through the commodity distribution network using a set of tools. In turn, the regulation of the process of forming a socially – oriented assortment of medicines at the stage of their consumption is carried out in accordance with the levels of rendering pharmaceutical assistance to the population. At the same time, the most important social significance is the mechanisms for compensating the cost of drugs in a wide range of their introduction into the system of pharmaceutical provision of the population. The authors formulated the main tasks and principles of effective implementation of socially oriented assortment policy in the domestic pharmaceutical market at all stages of the commodity distribution chain of goods promotion and in accordance with the level of pharmaceutical care.

Conclusions. Regulation of the process of forming a socially-oriented assortment of medicines in the pharmaceutical market in the conditions of reforming the health care system and the social and economic crisis in the state should be carried out in a wide range of state influence through the use of a set of mechanisms (pricing, taxation, insurance, investment, credit), as well as taking into account the levels of pharmaceutical assistance.


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Management, economics in pharmacy