Formation of socially oriented logistic model of pharmaceutical production organization




production organization principles, industry peculiarities, requirements of GMP, corporate social responsibility


The purpose of the scientific research: analysis of existing approaches to organization of production, identification of industry peculiarities and requirements for the modern pharmaceutical production organization and model development for pharmaceutical enterprise production organization in accordance with the requirements of GMP.

Materials and methods. Expert assessments method, empirical ones and method of content analysis.

Results. The study of existing approaches showed they can be used for different industry enterprises production organization. But in order to increase the production systems functioning efficiency, it is necessary to take into account, firstly, enterprise industry peculiarities, and secondly, society development current state, which requires a social orientation of activities. Industry peculiarities of pharmaceutical enterprise production organization include: production serial type; increased requirements for the technological equipment purity; need for approval of technical and technological documentation; need for placement and ordering of premises in accordance with technological zones; high requirements for personnel; high level of production automation; strict regulation of technological stages; location of premises and equipment in accordance with cleanliness levels requirements. Another time requirement to organize modern pharmaceutical production is to ensure an appropriate level of corporate social responsibility. Accounting of the principles of existing approaches to production organization and pharmaceutical enterprise peculiarities resulted in a socially oriented logistic model of the pharmaceutical production organization.

Conclusions. The advantages of pharmaceutical production organization model are the interests balance of the pharmaceutical enterprise, stakeholders, business partners and personnel; the enterprise focus on sustainable development, provision of both economic and social production efficiency.


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Marketing, logistics, pharmacoeconomic research