Relevance of the introduction of problem-based learning in the professional higher education system




Problem-based learning, competency-based learning, students' individual work


Graduates of educational institutions must master the skills of critical thinking, problem solving, communication, social responsibility and interaction, self-directed education.  The development of these skills should be supported through the introduction of a person-centered approach in the educational process: the student must learn not the ready knowledge transmitted by the teacher, but himself to be an active subject of learning

A lack of data on the introduction of Problem-based learning in the system of higher pharmaceutical education justifies an urgencsy of performing of appropriate studies aimed at confirmation of effectiveness and justification of the feasibility of introducing this approach in pharmaceutical staff training.

Aim. To substantiate a topicality of introducing Problem-based learning as an instrument of the development of pharmacy student competencies necessary for pharmaceutical practice.

Results. The studies have shown that there is a link between the organization of the learning process and the nature of the approaches that students choose to acquire knowledge, to work with learning information and those students choose for tasks completion. Students' individual work on solving practical problems contributes to the development of critical thinking skills, to the analysis of available knowledge and to the search for new information, making decision to solve the problem. The process is carried out in the context of the students’ interaction, which forms the skills of communication and influences the nature of the learning motives.

Conclusions. The results obtained confirm that Problem-based learning is aimed at the active inclusion of students in the process of independent learning, motivates students, provides conditions for the new knowledge development and acquiring the working methods necessary for pharmaceutical practice. The use of real problems is a way to transform theoretical knowledge into practical actions, which enhances the practical orientation of education.



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Quality, standardization and certification in pharmacy