Analytical review of licensing examinations in foreign countries and in Ukraine




licensing exam, integrate, "Step 1, 2, 3 "Pharmacy", pharmacists-interns, assessment of knowledge, foreign experience


The system of integrate licensing test exams is a complex of means of standardized diagnostics of a professional level competence that are introduced in Ukraine as a form of students’ independent evaluation studying in the «Healthcare» knowledge branch.

Aim. To study and summarize the best foreign countries practice in conducting licensing exams, their mission, conditions, structure and time-limit which may be regarded as a system of integrated licensing exams in Ukraine.

Results. In some countries the system of licensing exams was analyzed: the USA, Canada, the  UK, Czech Republic, Poland; it was found that in Canada and Czech Republic the structure of licensing exam includes theoretical and practical parts and time for its delivery is not limited; the US, the UK and Poland determine the level of competence in solving pharmaceutical practical tasks by licensing exam. Lincensing exams are conducted by National councils of pharmacy or pharmacy associations. The licensing exam in Ukraine consists of three parts: «Krok 1 «Pharmacy» which is conducted in disciplines of fundamental training, shows the quality indicators of basic higher education, Krok 2 “Pharmacy” is a part of State certification and determines the quality ndicators of higher education professional component and “Krok 3 “Pharmacy” sed on training program in internship and set up the level of professional competence of pharmacist-intern. In the USA and Canada the result of exam “pass” is determined by the criterion of 50 % of correct answers and in the UK and Poland it is consist of 55 % and 56 % respectively, in Ukraine the exam criterion is 60,5 % for “Krok 1, 2 “Pharmacy” and 70,5 % for “Krok 3 “Pharmacy”.

Conclusions.The test, as an instrument for educational outcomes measuring, is used in many countries of the world and belongs to the basic concepts of pedagogical diagnostics. In addition, the national integrate licensing test exam for pharmacists is not conducted at the undergraduate level in any country; in Ukraine, “Krok 1 “Pharmacy” is passed after the third year of studying and “Krok 2 “Pharmacy” – after the 5th year of studying in the structure of State ertification; abroad, licensing exams, as a rule, are conducted by specialized tructures, generally, they are provided by pharmaceutical associations or councils, in Ukraine – by the Testing Center which is attached under the Ministry of Healthcare; foreign specialists pass one licensing exam, in Ukraine – three exams throughout the entire period of study.


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Quality, standardization and certification in pharmacy