Analysis of factors affecting the dynamics of competitiveness of pharmacy networks according to their type


  • Zh. V. Mala National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • O. V. Posylkina National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • M. N. Nessonova National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



chemist’s networks, competitive dynamics, impact factors, the type of network of pharmacies


In difficult economic conditions, amid falling demand for drugs, increased competition chemist’s networks have to work on increasing their competitiveness.

Aim. To study the factors affecting for dynamics of competitiveness of pharmacy networks in Ukraine, depending on their size (small, medium, large and mega pharmacy networks) and assessment of the impact forces of each selected factors on the dynamics of the competitiveness.

Results. Fifty-three potential factors of influence on the competitiveness of drugstore networks belonging to different clusters (small, medium, large and mega pharmacy chains) were investigated. The factor that has a negative impact on increasing the competitiveness small and average chemist’s networks (first and second clusters) is a slow response to market changes. The factors that have a significant positive impact on increasing competitiveness is the average and large chemist’s networks (the second and third clusters). In these chemist’s networks the factors that have a significant positive impact on increasing competitiveness is the present of an effective marketing mix, competent management.

Conclusions. The results (the influence factors on certain increase/decrease competitiveness and evaluation of the significance each of them) can use for modeling the dynamics of competitiveness chemist’s networks, depending on their size and other characteristics.


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Marketing, logistics, pharmacoeconomic research