Characteristic features analysis of market segmentation of products for solving dermatological problems




signs of segmentation, characteristic features of market, products for solving dermatological problems, medical and cosmetic products, product segmentation, consumer group


It is necessary to link sales with the right products segmentation and segmentation of customers group. For today, pharmaceutical company success depends on its products providing customers needs.
Aim. To determine the characteristic features segmentation of the MCP market including their peculiarity as of both medical and cosmetic products.
Materials and methods. We used expert assessments, opinion polls and empirical methods.
Results. Pursuant to the research of F. Kotler, there is a product segmentation of market and consumer group segmentation. The market of products for solving dermatological problems consists of the local market of medical products (MP), cosmetic products (CP) and medical and cosmetic products (MCP). The analysis of approaches for segmentation of the market being studied showed that different signs of segmentation are used for its certain components. It was defined that consumer groups of MP shall be reasonably segmented according to the location of a region, number and density of population, age, level of income and education. The consumer groups of MCP will be segmented according to location of a region, number and density of population, level of income, ethnic nationality, typology of personality, adaptability of consumers to a new product, consumer’s status. The consumer groups of MCP shall be segmented according to number and density of population, sex, family composition, level of income, typology of personality, adaptability of consumers to a new product, consumer’s status, degree of randomness of purchase, degree of products use and degree of loyalty to TM.
Conclusions. The offered signs of market and consumers of LKZ segmentation in future can be used by leaders and specialists of marketing services, sales departments FK, by managers for to the sales, by the category managers of distributive companies, leaders of pharm establishments for positioning of LKZ taking into account the features of every investigated market segment


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Marketing, logistics, pharmacoeconomic research