Departmental hospital pharmacy: analysis and optimization of drug procurement




hospital pharmacy, medicine, state budget allocations, optimization of providing


The pharmaceutical industry occupies an important place in the economy ofUkraineand it’s an important segment of the national market, which defines national security and defense of the country. Providing of departmental medical institutions is one of the priorities due to the anti-terrorist operation inUkraine.

Aim. To analyze the financing and implementation departmental health care facilities procurements of medicines and medical products in Lviv, as well as finding ways of optimization and forecasting the volume of drug provision.

Materials and methods. We have collected statistics database and have made several series of statistical indicators institutional health care facilities that characterize their structure and allows analyzing their development over time.

Results. Statistical indicators of departmental health care institutions are presented here. Complex ABC/VEN-analysis was conducted, and essential medicines selection have made based on this analysis. Dynamics of funding and drug provision of departmental medical institutions studied. It is proved that the number of units purchased drugs reduced if the amount of budget allocations nominally increasing from year to year.

Conclusions. Study of research materials has shown that achieving new quality of pharmaceutical care in hospital under tight budget constraints is impossible without improving the efficient use of funds allocated for the purchase of medicines. The study could establish the necessary procurement process for the average number of drug packages a year. It was also found the amount of nominal growth budget allocations, actual amount purchased drugs and medicinal goods falling significantly.


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Management, economics in pharmacy