Analysis of market price conjuncture for antibacterial drugs used in treatment of community acquired pneumonia




antibiotics, community acquired pneumonia, affordability indicator, solvency adequacy ratio, liquidity ratio of prices


Community acquired pneumonia (CAP) belongs to life-threatening infections with high fatal consequences, characterized by lesions of the lower respiratory tract and involving the alveoli in inflammation. According to statistics pneumonia ranks first among all causes of death in infectious diseases, the sixth – among all causes of death and the fourth – leading cause of mortality in patients older than 65 years. In different countries the incidence of pneumonia ranges from 3.5 to 15 cases per 1 thousand of the population and the mortality rate – from 2.3 % to 25 %. Thus, given the high prevalence of pneumonia, the presence of complications, significant mortality of patients there are significant economic losses.

Aim is to give the scientific generalization of the results of studying the social and economic accessibility of antibiotics used to treat CAP.

Materials and methods. While making calculation and analysis of socio-economic accessibility indicators and liquidity ratios of prices analysis for antibacterial drugs in CAP treatment we mentioned the solvency ratio and availability factor (recommended by the Ministry of Health in CAP treatment).

Results. This article reflects the calculation results of social and economic accessibility indicators of antibacterial drugs (ABD), used to treat of CAP for the period 2014-2017. Liquidity ratios of prices of ABD for treatment of CAP, solvency adequacy ratio of the population and economic affordability indicator of these drugs (medicines) for the population were calculated. In the study of liquidity ratio of price (Cliq) found that during 2014-2017 there was an increase in price volatility from 22.6 % to 403 % on theUkrainepharmaceutical market, except ABD with international non-proprietary name (INN) amikacin. Solvency adequacy ratio (Ca.s) for all ABD during the period 2014-2017 has decreased, so accessibility of these drugs has increased except for ABD with INN ceftriaxone, cefuroxime and levofloxacin, which the solvency adequacy ratio has increased in 2017 compared to 2016 that is their accessibility during this period has decreased. The growth rate of wages was relatively higher rate of growth in prices for cefepime, a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, azithromycin, amikacin, amoxicillin, clarithromycin, cefuroxime and midecamycin. And for ceftriaxone and levofloxacin growth rate of prices higher than the growth rate of wages indicating the coefficient of economic affordability (D).

Conclusions. According to the study market price conjuncture of ABD for CAP treatment during the period 2014-2017 it was established a significant price fluctuations of ABD on the Ukraine pharmaceutical market, except price of ABD with INN midecamycin, which remained unchanged; it was observed fluctuations in accessibility of ABD for the population in solvency adequacy ratio regarding to certain drugs and periods of study; it revealed higher rate of wage growth than the growth rate of prices of researched ABD except ceftriaxone and levofloxacin, the rate of price growth exceeding the growth rate of wages.


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Marketing, logistics, pharmacoeconomic research