Results of clinical and economic analysis consumption drugs off patients childhood with viral diarrhea


  • A. S. Nemchenko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • M. V. Balynska National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



viral diarrhea, medications, clinical and economic analysis, the consumption of drugs, pharmaceutical provide patients with childhood viral diarrhea


The results of the analysis of the consumption of drugs by patients of childhood viral diarrhea in specialized health institutions of Ukraine. It was established that the overall proportion of prescriptions drugs for parenteral rehydration (V05) was 23.4 % and the share of spending on them – only 2.7 %. That is, the share of spending on antibiotic children was almost 40 %, which requires a detailed study of the professional positions optimize pharmacotherapy viral diarrhea. At the same time, the consolidated results of the analysis show that the cost of pharmacotherapy viral diarrhea in children associated mainly with the appointment of a viable and important medicines. Given the fact that most of the patients belonged to socially vulnerable groups (children up to 3 years), implementation of effective mechanisms to compensate for the cost of consumption of drugs is a main line efficiency providing pharmaceutical pediatric patients of viral diarrhea.



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Marketing, logistics, pharmacoeconomic research