Analysis of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical retail market regarding dorsalgia treatment drugs




dorsalgia; medicines; herbal medicinal products; pharmaceutical market


Pharmaceutical care for treating dorsalgia is not only of medical significance, but also has a socio-economic aspect. Back pain often occurs in the working-age population. The dorsalgia treatment requires substantial economic costs and leads to deterioration in the quality of life.

Aim. To analyze and systematize the official sources concerning medicines for treating dorsalgia at the domestic pharmaceutical market, as well as to determine promising directions for expanding the drug assortment.

Results. The results of the study have shown that the consumption of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) occupy a leading position by the volume of consumption. In Ukraine, 36 trade names (TN) of medicines with the active substance Paracetamol were registered (re-registered), including 45 % registered drugs under the brand name. The ratio of domestic and foreign NSAIDs is 56 % to 44 %; the proportion of oral dosage forms constitutes almost 50 % of the assortment. The majority of foreign medicines registered in Ukraine are manufactured in European countries, which makes up 38.9 % of the total imports of medicines. France and Great Britain occupy the leading positions in terms of supply with six THs each. The total number of drugs for external use for joint and muscle pain is 131 TH. The macro-contour of the segment of herbal medicines for treating dorsalgia at the pharmaceutical market has been formed. According to the ATX classification, the drugs studied are mostly of the pharmacotherapeutic group M02AX – Other topical products for joint and muscular pain; they are produced mainly by domestic manufacturers (60 %). More than 30 % of them are supplied by the pharmaceutical enterprise Pharmaceutical Factory Ltd. (Zhytomyr). Multi-component medicinal products of plant origin prevail significantly (66.7 %); ointments represent the broadest range (60 %).

Conclusions. The limited range of drugs based on plant substances has been found; it contributes to the search for promising plant objects and the creation of new drugs based on them for the local treatment of dorsalgia.

Key words: dorsalgia; medicines; herbal medicinal products; pharmaceutical market


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Management, economics in pharmacy