The study on the development of the technology of the Sedum maximum juice as a biogenic stimulator for obtaining medicines




juice, Sedum maximum, technology, biogenic stimulant


Due to the complex of biologically active substances (BAS) in the native state, juices are becoming increasingly popular in pharmacy and medicine. We were interested in the Sedum maximum plant as a powerful biogenic stimulant. Despite its wide distribution in the world and in Ukraine, plants of the Sedum L. genus are rarely used.

The aim of the study is to determine the technological parameters of the process of obtaining juice from Sedum maximum for the development of technology for its production in pharmacy and industrial conditions and further use in pharmacy and medicine.

Results. The optimal method of obtaining fresh juice from Sedum maximum grass using a number of technological techniques in the following sequence was substantiated: fermentation of Sedum maximum grass (keeping in a dark cool place (5 ± 3 ºC) for 5 days; pre-treatment of Sedum maximum grass raw material with boiling water; keeping the crushed raw material at a temperature of 5 ± 3 ºC during the day, purification of unclarified juice with rapid heating to 75-78 °C for 30 min followed by rapid cooling and treatment with 95 % ethanol, sedimentation of Sedum maximum grass juice at a temperature of 5 ± 3 ºC followed by stabilization of clarified juice of Sedum maximum grass with ethanol 15% and chloroethane in the amount of 0.5 %.

Conclusions. The quality criteria of the obtained Sedum maximum juice were determined: appearance, pH, dry residue, identification by color reactions and quantitative determination by spectrophotometry (sum of tannins, in terms of pyrogalol).

Key words: juice; Sedum maximum; technology; biogenic stimulant


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Quality, standardization and certification in pharmacy