Study of consumer awareness of contraceptives selecting in the family planning process




contraception; consumers; pharmaceutical provision


The work aim is to study the degree of awareness of female consumers about the range of contraceptives and their use, as well as the process of providing contraceptives with the subsequent use of the results obtained to improve the contraceptives supply system for the right strategic marketing decision-making.

During the study methods of searching, analyzing, generalizing data from information sources, systemic, comparative, marketing analysis, and survey were used.

Results. Before the survey, the modern assortment of contraceptives study and an information array of them was formed, which was used to conduct conjoint analysis. At the same time, a survey among female respondents regarding their awareness of contraception issues was conducted.

As a result of the survey, 420 questionnaires with full valid answers of women aged 16 to 49 years were collected. Each of the groups covered a 4-year age interval. In addition, 117 refusals of women to participate in the survey were collected. The reasons of refusals were also taken into account in the study for a broader understanding of the functioning problems of a modern contraceptives supply system.

Conclusions. It was found that the degree to which women are familiar with the modern arsenal of contraceptives varies depending on their age. Overall, 78% of women are partially familiar with the entire range of contraceptives. The percentage of women who had a deficit of information about the range of contraceptives increases with the transition to older age groups: after the age of 30, every sixth woman in Ukraine does not know about the existence of some types of contraception.

Among women who were familiar with the entire range, the age group of 25-29 years prevails, which is associated with active family planning processes in this age range - 6.42%.

Women's views on the process of providing contraceptives and men's role in this process were analyzed. Thus, of the total number of respondents, 117 (21.78%) women refused to take part in the survey, explaining their refusal by their lack of interest in this topic, ignoring the use of contraceptives, or by their shyness. This "taboo" of the topic is closely related to the problems of sex education, problems of motivation and involvement of medical representatives in the dissemination of information about contraceptives and their importance in the process of family planning.

In addition, 69% of women prefer to coordinate the choice of contraceptives with their husbands, and only 20% of female consumers, believe that the process of preventing or planning a pregnancy is personally a woman's business.

The results of the survey prove the need to intensify health education work to improve the level of education of women and men on contraception, as well as expanding the boundaries of access to contraceptives for the target consumer.

Keywords: contraception; consumers; pharmaceutical support

Author Biographies

T. V. Mahanova, Zaporizhzhia State Medical University

кафедра Управління і економіки фармації

N. O. Tkachenko, Zaporizhzhia State Medical University

кафедра Управління і економіки фармації, доктор фарм. наук, доцент.


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Marketing, logistics, pharmacoeconomic research