The pharmacoepidemiological analysis of the influenza pharmacotherapy in Ukraine




flu, pharmacoepidemiological analysis, antiviral drugs


Influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections (ARIs) are the most common among human diseases that require timely medical attention and treatment with the most effective drugs.

The aim of the study is pharmacoepidemiological analysis of drugs for the treatment of influenza registered in Ukraine.

Materials and methods of research. The study was based on data from the State Register of Medicines of Ukraine, information on the results of the epidemic season of influenza and acute respiratory infections of the Center for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, declared drugs under the International Nonproprietary or Common Name in Ukraine as of January 2021.  Methods: retrospective, descriptive and frequency analyzes.

Results and discussion. A pharmacoepidemiological analysis of influenza drugs in Ukraine was conducted. It was found that the incidence of influenza and SARS during the study period decreased by 3.1% of the total population. Fatalities due to influenza and SARS increased by 41 cases during the study period, which may be related to the coronavirus pandemic. According to the results of a marketing study of antiviral drugs, it was found that the largest share in the structure of registered trade names are interferons (11 trade names).

Conclusions. The analysis of the market showed that among the antiviral drugs registered in Ukraine for the studied period the dominance of domestic drugs is noted - 54% (respectively of foreign origin - 46%).

Analysis of the distribution of domestic analogues of antiviral drugs by manufacturers found that the largest (5 and 4 TN) belongs to LLC "Research and production company" Interpharmbiotek and FZ "Biopharma" Ltd., Ukraine, Bila Tserkva.

Key words: influenza; pharmacoepidemiological analysis; antiviral drugs


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Marketing, logistics, pharmacoeconomic research